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How long do I have to place an order online?Pre-order access codes are only available for 48 hours after picture day. This is to ensure we do not miss any orders placed after we submit the print orders. If you happen to miss the 48 hour window, please call Hoffer Photo directly to place an order. We can usually still take orders over the phone. Unique access codes (codes generated for re-orders) are active for one year. After the expiration, you will have to contact Hoffer Photo directly to place an order.
What are my options if I do not want to order online?For orders on picture day, we will always bring plenty of extra order forms that can be filled out at the time of the shoot. For any orders after picture day, Hoffer Photo will gladly take your order over the phone with a credit card. 303-604-2527
How do I see my child's portrait before ordering?We know you are anxious to see the images taken of your child for school or sports. When packages are delivered back to school or league, there will be a proof with an access code that is unique only to your child. Simply follow the instructions on the card to access and purchase your child's portrait.
I do not have the insert. How do I get the code?Send an email to with the following information. - Child's full name - School name or league sport - Team, coach, and year it was taken
What are the benefits of pre-ordering online?1. You can order in advance when you have the time. Usually up to two weeks before picture day. 2. You have a digital receipt of the order you placed. 3. Samples of the products and packages we have to offer are displayed on the website. 4. Many more items are available online that are not offered on the order form. 5. When you make a purchase of $30 or more, you will automatically receive 8 free wallets!
When and where can I get my photos?All packages are delivered to the league or school approximately 2-3 weeks after picture day. Teachers and coaches will be handing these out to each student or athlete. If you miss the handing out of photos, your child's package will be available at the school or league for pick up.
I placed an order, but my photos are not with the rest of the team/class. What do I do? "As much as we try to be perfect, mistakes are still made from time to time. It's possible our lab missed an order. Please contact Hoffer Photo directly and we will make sure to resolve the matter. These missed orders will be sent directly to you, so no need to worry about coordinating a pickup time.
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